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What books do you have for sale right now and what books are upcoming?As of October 10, 2024, here are my current books for sale, their status, and price: Journey of the Mind: How Thinking Emerged From Chaos Published in full. AMAZON ● APPLE ● GOOGLE.PLAY $9.99 This is What It Sounds Like: What the Music You Love Says About You Published in full. AMAZON ● APPLE ● GOOGLE.PLAY $9.99 Billion Wicked Thoughts: What Really Turns on Men and Women Published in full. AMAZON $9.99 Unlocking the Sexy in Surrender: Using the Neuroscience of Power to Recharge Your Sex Life Published in full. AMAZON $6.99 Dark Horse: Achieving Success Through the Pursuit of Fulfillment Published in full. AMAZON $9.99 The Drug Hunters: The Improbable Quest to Discover New Medicines Published in full. AMAZON $11.99 Shrinks: The Untold Story of Psychiatry Published in full. AMAZON $8.99 The End of Average: How We Succeed in a World That Values Sameness Published in full. AMAZON $11.99 (I co-authored this book like all the rest; the editor didn't like me much and booted me from the cover.)
Are you getting paid to promote anything? What are your politics? "The Dark Gift is a place to escape your tribe a while."I'm no activist nor pitchman. I am only interested in sharing wondrous things directly with you. I'm here to share what I've learned and experienced, not to peddle products. (The best way to support me is to buy one of my books or subscribe to my Dark Gift blog.) On the Dark Gift you will never find: - Third-party advertisements or promotions. I'm not going to ask you to watch any commercials or click on any ads. - Recommendations sponsored by third parties. Any endorsement or recommendation is my own personal opinion, though other than celebrating books and movies I love I don't expect to recommend many products. - Partisan or political promotions. I am deeply non-partisan when it comes to human politics. You won't find talk of Democrats or Republicans or overseas wars here. The Dark Gift is a place you can escape your tribe a while. We reach for higher perspective here. - Any corporate sponsorships or affiliations. - Any academic sponsorships or affiliations. - Anything connected to crypto. I am intentionally avoiding all social entanglements in order to strive for a purity of contact with you.
What is the Dark Gift?My website (which you are reading right now) shares info about my books and media appearances. It isn’t updated too often. My Dark Gift blog contains shockingly original articles about autism, consciousness, and the fundamental nature of reality. It’s updated weekly. Usually. I had a radical and anomalous experience when I was eighteen that altered the trajectory of my life and delivered me here. The experience motivated me to spend my daily toil studying the fundamental nature of reality from a non-human perspective. In particular, I focused on the mathematics of purpose, too long ignored by human science, including the dynamic systems embodying consciousness, language, free will, and autism. Early on, I recognized that just as important as penetrating the math undergirding reality was developing the capacity to communicate all this extraordinary mind-bending erudite stuff to the public. I ended up spending a lifetime on two parallel tracks: science and art. Especially mindscience and literature. This was fortunate, for once you start getting up to the highest of the highest levels of reality, where physicists and angels fear to tread, the unity of science and art becomes not merely self-evident and wondrous, but the prime mechanism for engaging with higher sentience in an effective manner. The Dark Gift blog is an attempt to synthesize science and art in such fashion that a portal stretches open granting you access to another world. A world where all are welcome. You’ll find strong opinions here, but no activism. No politics. Make up your own mind and live your own life, pilgrim! Whatever your background or education, whatever your age or genome or brain state, there’s a place for you here. Because the Commonality was made by all of us, for all of us. Elections come and go. Empires rise and fall. The Commonality is everlasting. Your soul is everlasting. That’s the ultimate focus of the Dark Gift.
What's the latest Dark Gift update as of today, October 10, 2024?I regularly post new articles on my Dark Gift Substack, mostly about autism, consciousness, human sexuality, science, and the fundamental nature of reality. I recently moved my nonfiction book explaining consciousness, Consciousness: How It's Made, to my Substack:
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